I Want This (Order)

Snap for Beginners

Sample Chapter: Digestive Functors (Form Processing)

Digestive Functors

Digestive functors are one way to do form processing in Haskell. In this chapter we will build up a sample application to see how to accept and validate form input and render forms and errors with the digestive functors package.

Then, we'll move into a deeper exploration and examine all of the possible options digestive functors gives us.

Building a Digestive Functors Flow

To start off, we need a scaffold. We'll create a new folder named df-one and create a new scaffolding app inside it:

mkdir df-one
cd df-one
snap init

Alternatively, check out the code in code/digestive-functors/df-one, which has the completed code.

Our src/Site.hs currently looks as such:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | This module is where all the routes and handlers are defined for your
-- site. The 'app' function is the initializer that combines everything
-- together and is exported by this module.
module Site
  ( app
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Snap.Core
import           Snap.Snaplet
import           Snap.Snaplet.Auth
import           Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.JsonFile
import           Snap.Snaplet.Heist
import           Snap.Snaplet.Session.Backends.CookieSession
import           Snap.Util.FileServe
import           Heist
import qualified Heist.Interpreted as I
import           Application

-- | Render login form
handleLogin :: Maybe T.Text -> Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
handleLogin authError = heistLocal (I.bindSplices errs) $ render "login"
    errs = [("loginError", I.textSplice c) | c <- maybeToList authError]

-- | Handle login submit
handleLoginSubmit :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
handleLoginSubmit =
    loginUser "login" "password" Nothing
              (\_ -> handleLogin err) (redirect "/")
    err = Just "Unknown user or password"

-- | Logs out and redirects the user to the site index.
handleLogout :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
handleLogout = logout >> redirect "/"

-- | Handle new user form submit
handleNewUser :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
handleNewUser = method GET handleForm <|> method POST handleFormSubmit
    handleForm = render "new_user"
    handleFormSubmit = registerUser "login" "password" >> redirect "/"

-- | The application's routes.
routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())]
routes = [ ("/login",    with auth handleLoginSubmit)
         , ("/logout",   with auth handleLogout)
         , ("/new_user", with auth handleNewUser)
         , ("",          serveDirectory "static")

-- | The application initializer.
app :: SnapletInit App App
app = makeSnaplet "app" "An snaplet example application." Nothing $ do
    h <- nestSnaplet "" heist $ heistInit "templates"
    s <- nestSnaplet "sess" sess $
           initCookieSessionManager "site_key.txt" "sess" (Just 3600)

    -- NOTE: We're using initJsonFileAuthManager here because it's easy and
    -- doesn't require any kind of database server to run.  In practice,
    -- you'll probably want to change this to a more robust auth backend.
    a <- nestSnaplet "auth" auth $
           initJsonFileAuthManager defAuthSettings sess "users.json"
    addRoutes routes
    addAuthSplices h auth
    return $ App h s a

We are going to keep the handlers around so that later we can use the auth snaplet, which is already set up for us, to secure our form.

Define a new Datatype: Tweet

The very first thing we need is a new datatype to define the data we will be capturing in our form. In our case, Twitter is down and the world is in a panic, so we will create a Tweet in a new file src/Twitter.hs to build a new Twitter.

We will also include some module boilerplate so we can export our awesome new datatypes and functions.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Twitter
  ) where

import qualified Data.Text as T

data Tweet = Tweet {
  username :: T.Text,
  timestamp :: Int,
  content :: T.Text
} deriving (Show)

In this example[^4], we have created a new Tweet datatype using record syntax. Our Tweet has a field for username and content, which are both of type T.Text[^1], and a field for a timestamp which we are going to deal with as an Integer (for example, the current epoch time, for me writing this, is 1391490698).

The beginning of the file says that our module name is Twitter (so if we were going to import it, we would write import Twitter). We also export the Tweet data type so that after importing it (in some other file), we can use Tweet to create new Tweets.

Also, since we are using Data.Text we import it as T.

We can check out our fancy new datatype using ghci src/Twitter.hs. This starts up Haskell's interpreter for the compiler we are using (ghc). Once inside the prompt, we can run Tweet "MyAwesomeUsername" 1234567 "42 is the answer!" to see how a Tweet is constructed. It looks somthing like this:

*Twitter> Tweet "MyAwesomeUsername" 1234567 "42 is the answer!"
Tweet {username = "MyAwesomeUsername",
       timestamp = 1234567,
       content = "42 is the answer!"}

:q will get us out of the prompt.

Creating the Form

Now we can create our forms. Since we are using Digestive Functors with Snap and Heist we will need a couple imports. Digestive Functors can be used in other contexts, including against JSON data.

import           Text.Digestive
import           Text.Digestive.Heist
import           Text.Digestive.Snap

Along with these imports, we need to tell cabal what packages to include when installing. Add these digestive-functor imports to df-one.cabal.

    bytestring                >= 0.9.1   && < 0.11,
    heist                     >= 0.13    && < 0.14,
    MonadCatchIO-transformers >= 0.2.1   && < 0.4,
    mtl                       >= 2       && < 3,
    snap                      >= 0.11    && < 0.13,
    snap-core                 >= 0.9     && < 0.11,
    snap-server               >= 0.9     && < 0.11,
    snap-loader-static        >= 0.9     && < 0.10,
    text                      >= 0.11    && < 0.12,
    time                      >= 1.1     && < 1.5,
    xmlhtml                   >= 0.1,
    digestive-functors        >=0.6.1    && <0.7,
    digestive-functors-snap   >= && <,
    digestive-functors-heist  ==

Now we are going to construct the actual form. We'll use a helper function isNotEmpty to check the inputs and make sure they aren't empty. isNotEmpty will take a T.Text and return a Bool to us.

isNotEmpty :: T.Text -> Bool
isNotEmpty = not . T.null

We will also define some error strings to display if the input isn't quite right.

userErrMsg :: T.Text
userErrMsg = "Username can not be empty"
tsErrMsg :: T.Text
tsErrMsg = "timestamp must be an Int"
contentErrMsg :: T.Text
contentErrMsg = "Tweet can not be empty"

We can then use these in our form:

tweetForm :: (Monad m) => Form T.Text m Tweet
tweetForm = Tweet
  <$> "username" .: check userErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)
  <*> "timestamp" .: stringRead tsErrMsg Nothing
  <*> "content"   .: check contentErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)

We are using a simple check function which takes an error string, a test function and a form to validate. This may seem a little confusing, until we examine that text[^2] returns a Formlet for us.

In the case of text, we can choose to specify a default value (for use as the username or content). Currently we have Nothing, or no default value. The alternative is Just "sometext", which is a default value of sometext.

stringRead is similar to text, but for parseable and serializable values, such as our Int. stringRead takes an error string. After giving it an error string, the combination of stringRead "error string" acts exactly the same as text, which means we get to specify a default value. Again either Nothing or Just 5[^3].

The <$> and <*> operators come from Control.Applicative and we have to import it to use them:

import Control.Applicative

Our Twitter.hs now looks like this:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Twitter
  ) where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Text.Digestive
import           Text.Digestive.Heist
import           Text.Digestive.Snap
import           Control.Applicative

data Tweet = Tweet {
  username :: T.Text,
  timestamp :: Int,
  content :: T.Text
} deriving (Show)

isNotEmpty :: T.Text -> Bool
isNotEmpty = not . T.null

userErrMsg :: T.Text
userErrMsg = "Username can not be empty"
tsErrMsg :: T.Text
tsErrMsg = "timestamp must be an Int"
contentErrMsg :: T.Text
contentErrMsg = "Tweet can not be empty"

tweetForm :: (Monad m) => Form T.Text m Tweet
tweetForm = Tweet
  <$> "username" .: check userErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)
  <*> "timestamp" .: stringRead tsErrMsg Nothing
  <*> "content" .: check contentErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)

In ghci, we can play around with the form a bit and see what happens.

ghci src/Twitter.hs

gets us into the prompt and getForm will give us the resulting view:

*Twitter> getForm "MyTweetForm" tweetForm

View "thing" [] App
    Map _
      Ref "username"
        Map _
          Pure (Text "")
    Ref "timestamp"
      Map _
        Pure (Text "")
  Ref "content"
    Map _
      Pure (Text "")
 [] [] Get

Building The Heist Templates

Before we can render out our form we should write a template. Text.Digestive.Heist gives us some splices (bits of Heist templates) that we can use to render out our form.

In a new template file at snaplets/heist/templates/tweetform.tpl

<apply template="base">
  <dfForm action="/tweet">
    <dfChildErrorList ref="" />

    <dfLabel ref="username">Username: </dfLabel>
    <dfInputText ref="username" />

    <dfLabel ref="timestamp">Timestamp: </dfLabel>
    <dfInput ref="timestamp" type="number" min="0" step="1" pattern="\d+" />

    <dfLabel ref="content">Content: </dfLabel>
    <dfInputTextArea ref="content" />

    <dfInputSubmit value="Submit" />

The tags that start with df are processed by Digestive Functors before displaying. We are using a couple different tags: dfForm, dfChildErrorList, dfLabel, dfInputText, dfInput, dfInputTextArea and dfInputSubmit. We will go into these a bit more at the end of this chapter, but for now the important part is ref, which Digestive Functors uses to identify form elements.

When rendered without errors (and a form name of "tweet", more on that in a sec), this template will look like this:

<form action="/tweet" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

    <label for="tweet.username">Username: </label>
    <input type="text" id="tweet.username" name="tweet.username" value="">

    <label for="tweet.timestamp">Timestamp: </label>
    <input type="number" min="0" step="1" pattern="\d+" id="tweet.timestamp" name="tweet.timestamp" value="">

    <label for="tweet.content">Content: </label>
    <textarea id="tweet.content" name="tweet.content"></textarea>

    <input value="Submit" type="submit">

You'll notice that the field ids and names are all namespaced by the form name (tweet). We also get a couple things for free, including encodingtype, method, some types and values.

These values will keep the values that are input if there are errors in other fields and the errors will be displayed at the top of the form.

The FormHandler Routing Function

We can now write our Snap Form Handler:

tweetFormHandler :: Handler App App ()
tweetFormHandler = do
  (view, result) <- runForm "tweet" tweetForm
  case result of
    Just x  -> writeText $ T.pack $ show x
    Nothing -> heistLocal (bindDigestiveSplices view) $ render "tweetform"

We now need to export tweetFormHandler so we can use it later.

module Twitter
,tweetFormHandler  ) where

Remember when we used getForm to test our form in ghci? Well it so happens that Digestive Functors Snap has a function that will automatically choose between getForm and postForm for us based on the type of request. It is called runForm. In addition, runForm takes the form name that we saw in the html before ("tweet"). This name can be any string we want and our forms will automatically be namespaced by it.

Essentially what's going on here is that if we can parse a Tweet datatype, result is where it will be stored and Just x will match in our case statement. If we can't parse a Tweet, result will be Nothing and the view will be rendered out with our tweetform template. bindDigestiveSplices is what allows us to use the dfInput and other df tags in our html.

We also need some more imports. I've imported only what we need from Snap.Core and Snap.Snaplet.Heist to make it more obvious where these functions are coming from. In the future, to import the whole modules, you can delete the parentheses and the text inside them.

import           Snap.Core (writeText)
import           Snap.Snaplet
import           Snap.Snaplet.Heist (heistLocal, render)
import           Application

Final Steps

Now that we have everything set up in src/Twitter.hs and our template written, let's go into src/Site.hs and create a route. First we'll add Twitter to our list of imports.

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Snap.Core
import           Snap.Snaplet
import           Snap.Snaplet.Auth
import           Snap.Snaplet.Auth.Backends.JsonFile
import           Snap.Snaplet.Heist
import           Snap.Snaplet.Session.Backends.CookieSession
import           Snap.Util.FileServe
import           Heist
import qualified Heist.Interpreted as I
import           Twitter

Now we can add our tweetFormHandler to our routes. Since our form is already set up to POST to /tweet, we'll use that as our route:

-- | The application's routes.
routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())]
routes = [ ("/logins",    with auth handleLoginSubmit)
         , ("/logout",   with auth handleLogout)
         , ("/new_user", with auth handleNewUser)
         , ("/tweet", tweetFormHandler)
         , ("",          serveDirectory "static")

That's it. Run cabal install and then we can run df-one to run our app.

Visit localhost:8000/tweet in a browser to see our form and error handling in action!

Here is our finalized src/Twitter.hs

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Twitter
,tweetFormHandler  ) where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Text.Digestive
import           Text.Digestive.Heist
import           Text.Digestive.Snap
import           Control.Applicative
import           Snap.Core (writeText)
import           Snap.Snaplet
import           Snap.Snaplet.Heist (heistLocal, render)
import           Application

data Tweet = Tweet {
  username :: T.Text,
  timestamp :: Int,
  content :: T.Text
} deriving (Show)

isNotEmpty :: T.Text -> Bool
isNotEmpty = not . T.null

userErrMsg :: T.Text
userErrMsg = "Username can not be empty"
tsErrMsg :: T.Text
tsErrMsg = "timestamp must be an Int"
contentErrMsg :: T.Text
contentErrMsg = "Tweet can not be empty"

tweetForm :: (Monad m) => Form T.Text m Tweet
tweetForm = Tweet
  <$> "username" .: check userErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)
  <*> "timestamp" .: stringRead tsErrMsg Nothing
  <*> "content" .: check contentErrMsg isNotEmpty (text Nothing)

tweetFormHandler :: Handler App App ()
tweetFormHandler = do
  (view, result) <- runForm "tweet" tweetForm
  case result of
    Just x  -> writeText $ T.pack $ show x
    Nothing -> heistLocal (bindDigestiveSplices view) $ render "tweetform"

[^1]: If you don't know what this is, it would be a good idea to look up the difference between ByteString, Text and String at some point.

[^2]: and a bunch of other functions we will examine later such as bool, optionalText and utcTimeFormlet

[^3]: More on Maybe here: http://learnyouahaskell.com/a-fistful-of-monads#getting-our-feet-wet-with-maybe

[^4]: OverloadedStrings is a commonly used language extension that makes it easier to write string literals and use them in our application.